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We appreciate the many happy endings we get to partake in here but we knew when we first founded Bread Of Life K9 Refuge that we also wanted to make sure that we always had space in our hearts for the ones who would never make it to the adoption side. When you donate to us you are helping support what we do behind the scenes with the many hospice, severely abused, and neglected cases that have reached their final resting place with our family. If you own one dog, let alone 2-3 then you know the expenses that come along with that esp. when life altering health issues arise. Now, imagine taking care of a few more that all need your financial support in order to live their best life. We can't do this alone, and in order to offer the exceptional veterinary services many of them need then we need your support so please consider donating to our cause and together we can make sure no animal that makes their way to us here is left behind and that they all receive the happily ever after they all deserve. Thank you!!!!

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